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Arctic Hare


Key Stage 1


A picture of an arctic hare.

An arctic hare is a small animal with 4 legs and short, pointy ears.

About Arctic Hares

An arctic hare has smaller ears than a rabbit.
The arctic hare can run up to 60 kilometers (40 miles) per hour.


This is a picture of an arctic hare jumping. This is a picture of an arctic hare eating snow.

Key Stage 2


An arctic hare is a small burrowing mammal with 4 legs and short, pointy ears.

About Arctic Hares

As a mammal arctic hares:
Arctic hares are found in Arctic tundra habitat.
The arctic hare can run up to 60 kilometers (40 miles) per hour.
Artic hares dig holes in the ground or snow to sleep in.
A young hare is called a leveret.
An arctic hare's skeleton showing its backbone.

Lifecycle of an Arctic Hare

Foetus Young Adult
An arctic hare starts its life inside the mother getting its food through the umbilical cord. When an arctic hare has been born it cannot eat so it gets milk from its mother to survive. This is a young arctic hare leveret. An adult arctic hare is mature and can have it's own offspring.

Adaptations of Arctic Hares

Adaptation Purpose
Thick coat of fur To help the arctic hare keep itself warm in its cold climate.
Short ears and short legs To prevent it from losing too much temperature from its legs or ears.
Snow white fur To camouflage them from potential predators, such as the arctic fox.
Extra body fat Also to help the arctic hare keep itself warm.