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Charles' Law

Key Stage 5


Charles' law states that for a fixed mass of an ideal gas at constant pressure, its volume is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.

About Charles' Law

  • Charles' Law is expressed mathematically as 𝑉∝𝑇.
  • Charles' Law demonstrates the relationship between volume and temperature of gases.
  • Charles' Law assumes the gas behaves ideally and pressure remains constant.
  • Charles' Law can be derived from the ideal gas law.
  • Charles' Law is important in understanding the behaviour of gases under different temperature conditions.
  • Charles' Law is used in various applications involving gases, such as ballooning and air conditioning.
  • Charles' Law helps in predicting the expansion or contraction of gases with temperature changes.


  • \(T\propto V\)
  • \(\frac{V}{T}=constant\)


V is the volume of the ideal gas,


T is the temperature of the ideal gas

When there is a change of temperature and volume of a known amount of an ideal gas at constant pressure the following formula can be used:

  • \(\frac{V_1}{T_1}=\frac{V_2}{T_2}\)

Where the number represents before and after the change.


  • A balloon expands when heated due to the increase in volume as per Charles' law.
  • Hot air balloons rise because the heated air inside expands, making it less dense than the surrounding air.