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Key Stage 4


Mega is a Unit Prefix that means a number is 106 times bigger than the normal unit.

About Mega

Mega can be shortened to an upper case M.


A megametre (Mm) is 106 metres (m).
A megavolt (MV) is 106 volts (V).
A megagram (Mg) is 106 grams (g).

Converting from mega

To convert from mega to the base unit you must times by 106. \[5Mm = 5 \times 10^6m = 5000,000m\] \[12MA = 12\times 10^6A = 12,000,000A\] \[3.4MV = 3.4\times 10^6V = 3,400,000V\] \[0.53MN = 0.53\times 10^6N = 530,000N\] \[0.082MJ = 0.082\times 10^6J = 82,000J\]

Converting to mega

To convert to mega from a base unit you must divide by 106. \[23000m = \frac{23000}{10^6}Mm = 0.023Mm\]

\[8200A = \frac{8200}{10^6}MA = 0.0082MA\]

\[670V = \frac{670}{10^6}MV = 0.00067MV\]

\[32N = \frac{32}{10^6}MN = 0.000032MN\]

\[2J = \frac{2}{10^6}MJ = 0.000002MJ\]