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Companion Cell (Plant)

838 bytes added, 00:53, 17 November 2019
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==Key Stage 4==
[[File:PhloemCells.png|right|300px|thumb|A [[diagram]] showing several '''phloem cells''' in the centre with [[Companion Cell (Plant)|companion cells]]surrounding them.]]
'''Companion Cells''' are [[Plant Cell|plant cells]] that surround [[Phloem Cell|phloem cells]] to keep them [[alive]].
:[ ''Companion cell, page 77, GCSE Biology; Student Book, Collins, AQA '']
:[ ''Companion cells, page 133, GCSE Biology, Pearson, Edexcel '']
:[ ''Companion cells, page 95, GCSE Combined Science, Pearson Edexcel '']