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Digestive System

549 bytes added, 16:20, 19 February 2022
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: The '''digestive system''' takes large [[insoluble]] [[molecule]]s and breaks them down into small [[soluble]] [[molecule]]s to be [[Absorb (Biology)|absorbed]].
There are several [[organ]]s in the '''digestive system''' you should know:
*[[Mouth]] - Breaks down food mechanically with [[teeth]] and adds [[saliva]] using the [[Salivary Gland|salivary gland]]s to make [[lubrication|lubricate]] the food easier for it to swallowbe swallowed.
*[[Oesophagus]] - Uses [[peristalsis]] to move food from the [[mouth]] to the [[stomach]].
*[[Stomach]] - Starts chemical [[Chemical Digestion|chemical digestion]] of food in an [[Acid|acidic]] environmentadding a [[protease]] called [[pepsin]] which breaks down [[protein]]s into [[Amino Acid|amino acids]].*[[Liver]] - Makes [[bile]] to [[Neutralisation|neutralise]] [[Stomach Acid|stomach acid]] and break down [[emulsification|emulsify]] [[fat]].*[[Pancreas]] - Makes [[Digestive Enzyme|digestive enzyme]]s to chemically including [[DigestionPancreatic Amylase|digestpancreatic amylase]], [[trypsin]] (which is a type of [[protease]] and [[lipase]] food.*[[Small Intestine]] - Continues the [[Chemical Digestion|chemical digestion]] of food using the [[Digestive Enzyme|enzymes]] from the [[pancreas]] as well as producing its own [[amylase]] and [[peptidase]]. It then [[Absorb (biology)|Absorbabsorb]]s food into the [[blood]] through [[villi]]*[[Large Intestine]] - [[Absorb (biology)|Absorb]]s [[water ]] from undigested food called [[faeces]].
*[[Rectum]] - Stores [[faeces]] before [[egestion]].
*[[Anus]] - A ring of [[muscle]] that holds [[faeces]] in.
*The [[anus]] holds the [[faeces]] in.
==Extra Information==