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Alpha Decay

557 bytes added, 19 May
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==Key Stage 5==
[[Alpha Decay|Alpha decay]] is a type of [[Radioactive Decay|radioactive decay]] where an [[Unstable Isotope|unstable]] [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]] [[emit]]s an [[Alpha Particle|alpha particle]] consisting of two [[proton]]s and two [[neutron]]s.
===About Alpha Decay===
*Common in heavy [[element]]s like [[uranium]] and [[radium]].
*[[Alpha Particle|Alpha particles]] have low [[Penetration Depth|penetration depth]] but high ionizing power.
*[[Alpha Decay|Alpha decay]] is a form of [[spontaneous fission]].
*The emitted [[Alpha Particle|alpha particle]] is a [[helium]] [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]] (He²⁺).
*[[Alpha Decay|Alpha decay]] results in a daughter [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]] that is more stable than the parent.
*The [[energy]] released during [[Alpha Decay|alpha decay]] is in the range of 4-9 M[[Electron-volt|eV]].
*[[Alpha Decay|Alpha decay]] can be detected using [[Geiger Counter|Geiger-Müller counters]] or [[scintillation]] detectors.
*[[Radium]]-226 [[Radioactive Decay|decays]] to [[radon]]-222 by emitting an [[Alpha Particle|alpha particle]].*Smoke detectors often use [[americium]]-241, which undergoes [[Alpha Decay|alpha decay]].