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Capacitor Energy

7 bytes added, 22 May
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*[[Energy]] stored in a [[capacitor]] can be used in various applications like powering the lights designed to flash and providing [[energy]] for defibrillators.
*[[Capacitor]]s store energy in the [[Electric Field|electric field]] between their plates.
*The stored [[energy]] is released when the [[capacitor]] is [[Dicharging a Capacitor Discharge|discharged]].
*[[Capacitor]]s can deliver [[energy]] quickly compared to [[Electrical Battery|batteries]].
*Used in [[Power Supply|power supplies]] to smooth out fluctuations in [[Potential Difference|voltage]].
*The [[energy]] stored in a [[capacitor]] is half the [[energy]] required to [[Charging a Capacitor Charge|charge the capacitor]]. The energy required to [[Capacitor Charge|charge]] the [[capacitor]] is the [[Electrical Work|work done]] by the [[Electrical Battery|battery]] which is given by the product of the [[Electrical Charge|charge]] supplied by the [[Electrical Battery|battery]] and the [[Potential Difference|potential difference]] of the [[Electrical Battery|battery]] since the [[Electrical Battery|battery]] provides a constant flow of [[Electrical Charge|charge]] and constant [[Potential Difference|potential difference]]. However, as the [[Potential Difference|potential difference]] across the [[capacitor]] changes with the [[Electrical Charge|charge]] stored in the [[capacitor]] so the [[energy]] stored by a [[capacitor]] is half the product of the [[Electrical Charge|charge]] and [[Potential Difference|potential difference]].
*The maximum possible [[Energy Efficiency|efficiency]] of a [[capacitor]] is 50% which is far less than the maximum theoretical [[Energy Efficiency|efficiency]] of a [[Electrical Battery|battery]].