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De Broglie Wavelength

381 bytes added, 23 May
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==Key Stage 5==
The [['''de Broglie wavelength]] ''' is the [[wavelength]] associated with a [[particle ]] (an object with mass) and is [[Inversely Proportional|inversely proportional ]] to its [[momentum]], demonstrating the Wave-Particle Duality|wave-like nature ]] of [[matter]].
===About de Broglie Wavelength===
*The '''de Broglie wavelength''' suggests that [[particle]]s such as [[electron]]s have [[wave]] properties.
*The '''de Broglie wavelength''' is confirmed by experiments such as [[Electron Diffraction|electron diffraction]] through a crystal.
*The '''de Broglie wavelength''' is fundamental to the development of [[Quantum Mechanics|quantum mechanics]].
*The '''de Broglie wavelength''' applies to all [[particle]]s, including [[macroscopic]] [[objects]], but the [[wavelength]] is significant only for very small [[particle]]s like [[electron]]s.
The '''de Broglie Wavelength''' of an [[object]] is given by the formula:
:<math>\lambda = \frac {h} {𝑝}</math>
:<math>\lambda = \frac {h} {mv}</math>
Given by the formula
Where: , where 𝜆λ is the wavelength, h is the [[Planck constant]], and 𝑝p is the momentum.Suggests that [[particle]]s such as [[electron]]s have [[wave]] properties.Confirmed by experiments such as electron diffraction through a crystal.Fundamental to the development of quantum mechanics.The concept applies to all particles, including macroscopic objects, but the [[wavelength]] is significant only for very small [[particle]]s like [[electron]]s.
===Formula===𝜆 is the '''de Broglie''' [[wavelength]],  ℎ is the [[Planck Constant]], 𝑝 is the [[momentum]] of the [[object]]
The '''de Broglie Wavelength''' m is the [[mass]] of an the [[object]] is given by the formula:
:<math>~ \lambda = \frac {h} {mv}. </math>v is the [[velocity]] of the [[object]]
Electrons *[[Electron]]s showing diffraction patterns when passing through a thin crystal.*The '''de Broglie [[wavelength]] ''' of a moving car is extremely small and not observable.