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Energy Store

Revision as of 17:44, 4 October 2018 by NRJC (talk | contribs)

Key Stage 3


An energy store is a way in which energy can be kept in a system.

About Energy Stores

Energy Stores are associated with the movement or objects and position of objects in a field.
There are some energy stores you should know at this stage:
  • Thermal Energy - The energy associated with the temperature of an object.
  • Elastic Potential Energy - The energy in stretched, squashed and twisted elastic objects.
  • Chemical Potential Energy - The energy in chemicals that can be released in a chemical reaction.
  • Kinetic Energy - The energy store of a moving object.
  • Magnetic Potential Energy - The energy store of a magnetic object in a magnetic field.
  • Electrostatic Potential Energy - The energy store of a charged object in an electric field.
  • Nuclear Potential Energy - The energy store associated with Nuclear Fuel.
  • Gravitational Potential Energy - The energy store of an object in a gravitational field.
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Key Stage 4

About Energy Stores

Energy Stores are associated with the movement or objects and position of objects in a field.
There are a number of energy stores that can be used to describe a system:
  • Thermal Energy - Particles vibrating or moving around randomly in the material store energy.
  • Elastic Potential Energy - A stretched, squashed or twisted object stores energy.
  • Chemical Potential Energy - Chemicals store energy that can be released in chemical reactions.
  • Kinetic Energy - An moving objects stores energy.
  • Magnetic Potential Energy - A magnetic object in a magnetic field stores energy.
  • Electrostatic Potential Energy - A charged object in an electric field stores energy.
  • Nuclear Potential Energy - The nucleus of an atom stores energy that can be released in Nuclear Reactions.
  • Gravitational Potential Energy - An object in a gravitational field stores energy.
  • Vibrational Energy - A combination of energy stores that can be used to describe a vibrating object. For example a spring going up and down transfers energy between the Kinetic energy store, elastic potential energy store and the gravitational potential energy store but this can be described more simply as the spring having a Vibrational Energy store.
  • Internal Energy - A combination of the thermal energy store and all potential energy stores of the particles in an object.