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Key Stage 2


Reproduction is when a living creature makes new living creatures.

Singular Noun: Reproduction
Verb: To reproduce
Adjective: Reproductive

About Reproduction

Reproduction can be sexual where there are two parents and the offspring have some features of each parent.
Reproduction can be a-sexual where there is only one parent and the offspring are identical to the parent.

Key Stage 3


Reproduction is when an organism creates offspring.

About Reproduction

Reproduction can be sexual where there are two parents and the offspring inherit some features of each parent.
Reproduction can be a-sexual where there is only one parent and the offspring are clones of the parent.

Key Stage 4


Reproduction is the process in which an organism copies its DNA to produce a new organism.

About Reproduction

Reproduction can be sexual in which two parents each produce a gamete (which is a haploid cell) which fuse together in fertilisation to produce an offspring that is genetically different from both parents inheriting some features of each parent.
Reproduction can be a-sexual in which one parent organism produces offspring which are genetically identical to the parent and each other.