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Specialised Animal Cell

Revision as of 10:51, 3 June 2019 by NRJC (talk | contribs) (Examples)


Key Stage 3


A specialised animal cell is a cell that has a special shape or special features to do a certain job in the animal.

About Specialised Cells

All animals have specialised cells.
Specialised cells make an animal more efficient than if every cell was the same.
Specialised cells have specific adaptations that make them good at their function.
Animal cells can be specialised by having more mitochondria, tiny hairs called cilia, or have an elongated shape.

Some specialised cells in animals that you should know:

Specialised Animal Cells

Muscle Cell Nerve Cell Ciliated Epithelial Cells
Red Blood Cell White Blood Cell Sperm Cell
Egg Cell

Key Stage 4


Specialised Animal Cells are cells in animals that are adapted for a specific function.

About Specialised Animal Cells

Multicellular organisms need specialised cells to perform certain functions for that organism.
Specialised cells make an organism more efficient than if every cell was the same.
Specialised cells has special adaptations that make them good at their function.
Cells can be specialised by having more mitochondria or chloroplasts than usual. They might be specialised with tiny hairs called cilia, or have an elongated shape.

Some Specialised cells in animals that you should know:


Muscle Cell Ciliated Epithelial Cells Red Blood Cell
White Blood Cell Sperm Cell Egg Cell
Sensory Neuron Relay Neuron Motor Neuron