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Evolution by Natural Selection

Revision as of 10:49, 29 August 2018 by NRJC (talk | contribs)


Key Stage 2


Evolution means a change over time. All species on earth evolve.

Singular Noun: Evolution
Plural Noun: Evolution
Verb: To evolve
Adjective: Evolved

About Evolution

The different types of creatures we see today looked different millions of years ago. The creatures have evolved.
A single animal or plant does not evolve. A whole population evolves over many generations.
Evolution can be shown by looking at fossils of creatures that lived millions of years ago.


The giraffe used to have a short neck. Over many generations the population of giraffes had longer and longer necks.
Millions of years ago the arctic fox and the desert fox were the same species.
Arctic Fox Desert Fox
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