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Climate Change

Revision as of 12:03, 3 November 2019 by Ellen References (talk | contribs)

Key Stage 3


Climate Change is a change in the normal weather patterns across the world.

About Climate Change

The climate gradually changes over thousands and millions of years.
Climate change can cause deserts to get more rain, forests to become deserts, floods and droughts to happen more often, ice caps to melt and sea levels to rise. This can then cause organisms to become extinct, as well as famine and mass migration of humans.
Human activities like burning Fossil Fuels and deforestation are making climate change happen more quickly than normal. This is because the put more Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere and this traps the energy from sunlight causing the planet to get warmer.

Key Stage 4


Climate Change is a long term change in the normal weather patterns across the world.

About Climate Change

Scientists believe climate change is currently being caused by global warming and the extent of climate change will increase if global warming continues at its current rate.
climate change caused by global warming can cause habitat destruction due to changes in weather patterns in many different ecosystems possibly causing drought, flooding, temperature rises or temperature falls depending on the location.

Beyond the Curriculum



Climate change, page 117, GCSE Biology; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA
Climate change, page 278, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy; Biology, CGP, AQA
Climate change, page 343, GCSE Biology, CGP, AQA
Climate change, page 92, GCSE Chemistry; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA
Climate change, pages 156, 178, GCSE Combined Science; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA
Climate change, pages 173-6, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy 2, Hodder, AQA
Climate change, pages 209-211, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy; Chemistry, CGP, AQA
Climate change, pages 231-3, GCSE Chemistry, Hodder, AQA
Climate change, pages 271-273, GCSE Chemistry, CGP, AQA
Climate change, pages 294-297, GCSE Biology; Third Edition, Oxford University Press, AQA
Climate change, pages 99-202, GCSE Chemistry; Third Edition, Oxford University Press, AQA