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Key Stage 2


Inheritance is the features we get from our parents.

Singular Noun: Inheritance
Plural Noun: Inheritances
Verb: To inherit
Adjective: Inherited

About Inheritance

Living creatures inherit the features of their parents.
When there are two parents the offspring will inherit some features of both parents.


If both parents have blue eyes the their children will all inherit blue eyes. A spotted dog inherited those spots form its parents. The shape of bird's beak is inherited form its parents. Two parents with a "widow's peak" will have children with a "widow's peak".

Key Stage 3


Heredity is the passing down of traits from parent to offspring by DNA.

Key Stage 4


Heredity is the genetic traits of an offspring passed down from its parents by DNA.

About Heredity

The genome of an individual is inherited from its parents.
In sexual reproduction half of the genome of an organism is inherited form each parent.
Phenotypical traits of an organism will be the result of the [genotype]] containing pairs of recessive alleles or one or more dominant alleles.
Some diseases are inherited from parents. These are known as inherited disorders.



Heredity, page 236, GCSE Biology; Student Book, Collins, AQA
Inheritance, pages 188-91, 217-18, GCSE Biology, Hodder, AQA
Inheritance, pages 208-215, 234-236, GCSE Biology; Third Edition, Oxford University Press, AQA
Inheritance; of acquired characteristics, pages 215-16, GCSE Biology, Hodder, AQA


Inheritance, pages 48-49, GCSE Combined Science, Pearson Edexcel
Inheritance, pages 66-67, GCSE Biology, Pearson, Edexcel