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Key Stage 3


Recycling is taking materials that have been used and making them into new products.

About Recycling

Recycling allows us to use less materials from the Earth.
Recycling makes sure limited materials do not run out.
Recycling often uses less energy to make products than extracting materials from the Earth.

Key Stage 4


To recycle is to process waste materials so they can be used again.

About Recycling

Recycling involves several stages:

  1. Collecting and transporting the used products with recyclable materials.
  2. Separating a product into its separate materials.
  3. Cleaning the material to remove contaminants.
  4. Reforming the material, usually by melting and molding into a block of the material.
  5. Transporting the material to factories where it can be used to manufacture a new product.
Each stage of recycling carries an energy cost. Different materials require different amounts of energy to recycle.

The decision to recycle a material is based on several considerations:



Recycling, page 100, GCSE Chemistry; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA
Recycling, page 222, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy; Chemistry, CGP, AQA
Recycling, page 284, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy; Biology, CGP, AQA
Recycling, page 293, GCSE Chemistry, CGP, AQA
Recycling, page 349, GCSE Biology, CGP, AQA
Recycling, pages 106, 192-3, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy 2, Hodder, AQA
Recycling, pages 216-217, GCSE Chemistry; Third Edition, Oxford University Press, AQA
Recycling, pages 249-50, GCSE Chemistry, Hodder, AQA
Recycling, pages 282-283, 299, GCSE Biology; Third Edition, Oxford University Press, AQA
Recycling, pages 322-3, 325, 334-5, GCSE Chemistry; Student Book, Collins, AQA
Recycling, pages 94, 160, GCSE Combined Science; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA
Recycling; glass, page 336, GCSE Chemistry; Student Book, Collins, AQA
Recycling; plastic, page 336, GCSE Chemistry; Student Book, Collins, AQA


Recycling, page 119, GCSE Combined Science; The Revision Guide, CGP, Edexcel
Recycling, page 57, GCSE Chemistry; The Revision Guide, CGP, Edexcel
Recycling, pages 161, 162, 295, GCSE Chemistry, CGP, Edexcel
Recycling, pages 92-93, GCSE Chemistry, Pearson, Edexcel