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Metres per Second per Second


Key Stage 3


Metres per second per second are the scientific unit of acceleration.

About Metres per Second per Second

Metres per second per second are shortened to m/s/s with a lower case m, a lower case s and another lower case s.
A metre per second per second means that every second an object is travelling faster by one metre per second.

Key Stage 4


Metres per second per second are the scientific unit of acceleration.

About Metres per Second per Second

Metres per second per second are shortened to m/s/s with a lower case m, a lower case s and another lower case s or ms-2 with a lower case m, a lower case s and an indices of -2.
A metre per second per second means that every second an object is travelling faster by one metre per second.

Typical Accelerations in m/s/s

You should be able to estimate the acceleration for these events:

Event Acceleration in m/s/s
A falling object 9.8
Start running 3.0
Car accelerating 4.0
Passenger Jet Takeoff 5.0
Fighter Jet Takeoff 60