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Permanent Vacuole


Key Stage 3


A permanent vacuole is part of a plant cell that stores cell sap.


The vacuole stores cell sap.

About Permanent Vacuoles

Permanent Vacuoles are found in plant cells and fungal cells.
The permanent vacuole of xylem cells join together to form the xylem.


The vacuole in this root hair cell will have lots of water and minerals collected from the soil. The palisade cell stores water in its vacuole. The guard cells use the water stored in the vacuole to stay rigid.

Key Stage 4


A permanent vacuole is a membrane bound organelle found in plant cells and fungal cells.


The vacuole stores water, minerals and some organic molecules useful to the functions of the cell.

About Permanent Vacuoles

Permanent Vacuoles are found in plant cells and fungal cells.
The permanent vacuole of xylem cells join together to form the xylem.


The vacuole in this root hair cell will have lots of water and minerals collected from the soil. The fungal cell stores water in its vacuole. The guard cells use the water stored in the vacuole to stay rigid.



Permanent vacuoles, page 24, GCSE Biology, CGP, AQA
Permanent vacuoles, page 24, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy; Biology, CGP, AQA
Permanent vacuoles, page 7, GCSE Biology; Third Edition, Oxford University Press, AQA