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Key Stage 3


Seconds (s) are the scientific unit of time.

About Seconds

Seconds are shortened to a lower case s.

Converting to Seconds

Unit To convert Seconds
1 second (s) Convert to seconds x1 1s
1 minute (min) Convert to seconds x60 60s
1 hour (hr) Convert to seconds x60x60 3600s
1 day Convert to seconds x60x60x24 86400s
1 week Convert to seconds x60x60x24x7 604800s
1 year Convert to seconds x60x60x24x365.25 31557600s

Key Stage 4


Seconds (s) are the SI Unit for time.

About Seconds

Seconds are shortened to an upper case s.

Converting to Seconds

Unit To convert Seconds
1 megasecond (1Ms) Convert to Seconds x106 1x106s
1 kilosecond (1ks) Convert to Seconds x103 1x103s
1 Second (1s) Convert to Seconds x1 1s
1 millisecond 1(ms) Convert to Seconds x10-3 1x10-3s
1 microsecond 1(µs) Convert to Seconds x10-6 1x10-6s
1 nanosecond 1(ns) Convert to Seconds x10-9 1x10-9s
Unit To convert Seconds
1 minute (min) Convert to seconds x60 60s
1 hour (hr) Convert to seconds x60x60 3600s