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2,241 bytes added, 20:54, 31 March 2019
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==Key Stage 2=====Meaning===[[Iron]] is a [[metal]].==Key Stage 3=====Meaning===[[File:IronSymbol.png|right|300px|thumb|The [[Chemical Symbol|chemical symbol]] for [[Iron]].]][[Iron]] is a [[Transition Metal|transition metal]] [[element]], on the [[Periodic Table]], with an [[Atomic Number|atomic number]] of 26. ===About Iron=======Molecular Structure====: [[Iron]] has the [[Chemical Symbol|chemical symbol]] [[Iron|Ti]].: [[Iron]] [[atom]]s join together in large numbers to form a giant [[metal]] [[molecule]].====Atomic Structure====: [[Iron]] as 26 [[proton]]s and 30 [[neutron]]s in its [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]] giving it an [[Atomic Number]] of 26 and an [[Relative Atomic Mass|atomic mass]] of 56.: [[Iron]] is in [[Period]] 4 of the [[Periodic Table]] because it has 4 [[Electron Orbital|electron shells]].====Properties====: [[Iron]] is a [[metal]] [[element]] so it is a good [[Thermal Conductor|thermal conductor]] and a good [[Electrical Conductor|electrical conductor]].: [[Iron]] is a shiny [[solid]] (at [[Room TemperatureSTP|room temperature]]) .: [[Iron]] is [[malleable]].: [[Iron]] is [[sonorous]].: [[Iron]] is [[ductile]].==Key Stage 4=====Meaning===[[Iron]] is a [[Transition Metal|transition metal]] [[element]] , on the [[Periodic Table]], with 26 [[proton]]s in the [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]].===About Iodine=======Molecular Structure====: [[Iron]] has the [[Chemical Formula|chemical formula]] [[Iron |Ti]].: [[Iron]] [[atom]]s join together in a [[Giant Metallic Structure|giant metallic structure]].====Atomic Structure====: The most [[Stable Isotope|stable isotope]] of [[Iron]] has 30 [[neutron]]s in its [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]] giving it an [[Relative Atomic Mass|atomic mass]] of 56.: [[Iron]] is in [[Period]] 4 of the [[Periodic Table]] because it has 4 [[Electron Orbital|electron shells]].: [[Iron]] loses [[electron]]s to form [[Positive Charge|positive]] [[Metal Ion|metal ions]].====Properties====: [[Iron]] forms [[Ionic Bond|ionic bonds]] with [[non-metal]]s.: [[Iron]] is a [[metal]] [[element]] so it is a good [[Thermal Conductor|thermal conductor]] and a good [[Electrical Conductor|electrical conductor]].: [[Iron]] is a shiny [[solid]] at [[STP|standard temperature and pressure]] and has a high [[Melting Point|melting point]].: [[Iron]] is [[malleable]].: [[Iron]] is [[sonorous]].: [[Iron]] is [[ductile]].