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Anthropogenic Global Warming

817 bytes added, 16:14, 12 May 2019
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==Key Stage 4==
'''Anthopogenic Global WarmingAnthropogenic global warming''' is the [[Scientific Theory|scientific theory]] that the current increase in the [[Mean Average|average]] surface [[temperature]] of [[Earth]] is being caused by [[human]] activity is responsible for activities. ===About Anthropogenic Global Warming===: [[Scientist]]s know that [[Carbon Dioxide]] and [[Methane]] are [[Greenhouse Gas|greenhouse gases]].: The [[percentage]] of [[Carbon Dioxide]] and [[Methane]] in the [[Earth's Atmosphere]] have increased in the last 200 years ([[Carbon Dioxide]] has doubled from 0.02% to 0.04%) since the 'Industrial Revolution'.: The increase in [[Greenhouse Gas|greenhouse gases]] has been followed by a recent trend steady increase in [[Global WarmingMean Average|average]] [[temperature]] of the surface of the [[Earth]].: These facts have led [[scientist]]s to conclude that the current increase in [[Mean Average|average]] surface [[temperature]] of [[Earth]] has been caused by the [[human]] [[emit|emission]] of [[Greenhouse Gas|greenhouse gases]].