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Binding Energy Per Nucleon

13 bytes added, 22 May
About Binding Energy Per Nucleon
===About Binding Energy Per Nucleon===
*Calculated as the total binding energy of the [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]] divided by the [[Mass Number|mass number]].
*Highest for [[Atomic Nucleus|nuclei]] with a [[Mass Number|mass number]] around 56 (iron).
*Indicates how tightly [[nucleon]]s are held together in the [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]].
*Affects the [[energy]] released in [[Nuclear Reaction|nuclear reactions]].
*[[Iron-56]] has the highest [[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|binding energy per nucleon]], making it the most stable [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]].
*[[Uranium-235]] has a very low [[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|binding energy per nucleon]], making it suitable for [[Nuclear Fission|fission]].