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Boltzmann Constant

7 bytes added, 22 May
About the Boltzmann Constant
===About the Boltzmann Constant===
*The [[Boltzmann Constant|Boltzmann constant]] denoted by the symbol '''𝑘''' or '''𝑘<sub>B</sub>'''
*The [[Boltzmann Constant|Boltzmann constant]] has a value of 1.38×10<sup>−23</sup> J/K.
*Relates the average [[Kinetic Energy|kinetic energy]] of [[particle]]s in a [[gas]] with the [[temperature]].
*Fundamental in the statistical description of physical [[system]]s.
*Used in the ideal [[gas]] law: 𝑃𝑉=𝑁𝑘𝑇
*Important in the study of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.