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Binding Energy

277 bytes added, 22 May
About Binding Energy of a Nucleus
*[[Binding Energy|Binding energy]] = [[Mass Defect|mass defect]] × [[Speed of Light|c²]].
*[[Binding Energy|Binding energy]] [[measure]]d in [[MeV]].
*Indicates [[Binding Energy|Binding energy]] indicates the stability of the [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]]with a higher [[Binding Energy|binding energy]] indicates a more stable [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]].*[[Binding Energy|Binding energy]] represents the [[energy]] required to disassemble a [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]] into individual [[nucleon]]s.
*Higher [[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|'''binding energy''' per nucleon]] implies a more stable [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]].
*The curve of [[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|'''binding energy''' per nucleon]] versus [[mass]] number shows a peak at [[iron]] (Fe-56).