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Binding Energy Per Nucleon

449 bytes added, 22 May
About Binding Energy Per Nucleon
*[[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|Binding energy per nucleon]] indicates how tightly [[nucleon]]s are held together in the [[Atomic Nucleus|nucleus]].
*[[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|Binding energy per nucleon]] affects the [[energy]] released in [[Nuclear Reaction|nuclear reactions]].
*The [[Binding Energy|binding energy]] curve shows the [[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|binding energy per nucleon]] against [[Mass Number|mass number]].
*The [[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|binding energy per nucleon]] is important for understanding [[Nuclear Fusion|nuclear fusion]] and [[Nuclear Fission|fission]] processes.
* [[Binding Energy Per Nucleon|Binding energy per nucleon]] helps explain why certain [[element]]s are more stable than others.