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Dicharging a Capacitor

105 bytes added, 22 May
About Capacitor Discharge
===About Capacitor Discharge===
*The [[Electrical Charge|charge]], [[Potential Difference|voltage]] and [[Electrical Current|current]] also all decrease [[Exponential Decay|exponentially]] during '''discharge'''.*The [[Time Constant|time constant]] of a [[Electrical Circuit|circuit]] determines how quickly a [[capacitor]] '''discharges'''.*A large [[Time Constant|timeconstant]] constant means a slow '''discharge''', while a small [[Time Constant|timeconstant]] constant means a rapid '''discharge'''.
*[[Capacitor]] '''discharge''' curves are used to analyze the behaviour of RC circuits.
*Safety precautions are necessary when '''discharging''' large [[capacitor]]s to avoid [[Electrical Shock|electric shock]].