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Kirchoff's 1st Law

6 bytes added, 23 May
*<math>\sum I_n=I_1 + I_2 + I_3 +...=0</math>
*<math>\sum I_{in}=\sum I_{out}</math>
*<math>\sum I_n</math> represents the sum of all [[Electrical Current|currents]] at [[junction]],
*<math>I_1 + I_2 + I_3 +...</math> represents the [[Electrical Current|current]] in each individual [[wire]] attached to the [[junction]],
*<math>\sum I_{in}</math> represents the sum of all [[Electrical Current|currents]] going into a [[junction]],
*<math>\sum I_{out}</math> represents the sum of all [[Electrical Current|currents]] leaving a [[junction]]
*In a [[Parallel Circuit|parallel circuit]], the sum of currents through each branch equals the total [[Electrical Current|current]] entering the [[junction]].
*Used to determine unknown currents in electrical network problems.