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14 bytes removed, 08:25, 2 September 2018
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 ==Key Stage 23==
[[MRS GREN]] is an acronym used to help remember the criteria for something to be considered [[alive]].
: [[MRS GREN]] stands for:
*'''Movement''' - All living creatures can change direction when moving.
*'''ReponseRespiration''' - All living creatures behave differently when the environment changescan get energy from food.*'''Sensitivity''' - All living creatures can detect respond to changes in the environment.
*'''Growth''' - All living creatures can get bigger by taking on new material.
*'''Reproduction''' - All living creatures can make copies of themselves.
*'''Excretion''' - All living creatures can get rid of waste materials.
*'''Nutrition''' - All living creatures can take on new materials for movement, growth and repair.