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Data Logger

Revision as of 05:00, 17 November 2019 by Ellen References (talk | contribs)

Key Stage 2


A data logger that can measure temperature, sound level and light level.

A data logger is a small computer that can be used to measure the temperature of an object, the volume of sound or the brightness of light.

Singular Noun: Data Logger
Plural Noun: Data Loggers

About Data Loggers

Data loggers have different probes that can be attached to measure different things. The probes you may use at Key Stage 2 are a temperature probe, a probe that measures how loud sounds are and a probe that can measure how bright the light is.


A scientist measured the temperature of the snow.
A scientist measured the sound volume at a cinema.
A scientist wants to measure the brightness of a light in their laboratory.

Used in a Sentence

A data logger and temperature probe was used to measure the temperature of the snow.
The sound volume of the cinema was found using a data logger and sound probe.
The scientist's data logger and light probe showed the brightness of the light in the laboratory.

Key Stage 3


A data logger is a small computer that can be attached to different sensors to measure different physical quantities over time.

About Data Loggers

Data loggers have different sensors that can be attached to measure different things.
The sensors you may use are:

Key Stage 4


A data logger is a small computer that can be attached to different sensors to measure different physical quantities over time.

About Data Loggers

Data loggers have different sensors that can be attached to measure different things.
The sensors you may use are:



Data loggers, page 110, GCSE Biology; The Revision Guide, CGP, Edexcel