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Key Stage 1


Distance is how far away something is.

Singular Noun: Distance
Plural Noun: Distances

About Distance

Distance is usually measured with a ruler. Distance can also tell us the length, width or height of something. There are different units of distance you should know:


Birmingham is 160 kilometres away from London.
My classroom is 12 metres in length.
My table is 120 centimetres high.
My pencil is 9 millimetres wide.

Used in a Sentence

The distance between London and Birmingham is 160 kilometres.
The front of my classroom is a distance of 12 metres from the back of my classroom.
The distance between the floor and the top of my table is 120 centimetres.
One side of my pencil is a distance of 9 millimetres from the other side of my pencil.

Key Stage 2


Distance is how far something has travelled usually measured in metres.

Key Stage 3


Distance is a measure of how far something has travelled measured in metres.

About Distance

Distances may also be referred to as lengths.
Width, height and depth are a type of distance between the edges of an object.

There are several common units of distance:

Key Stage 4


Distance is a scalar quantity representing how far an object has travelled.

About Distance

Distance is a scalar because it has magnitude but not direction.
The SI Unit of distance is the metre.
Distances may also be referred to as lengths.
Width, height and depth are a type of distance between the edges or sides of an object.
Distance travelled is used, along with time, to calculate the speed of an object.