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Key Stage 2


An adaptation is a special part a living creature has that helps it survive. Sometimes an adaptation is the shape or size of certain parts of the creature.

Singular Noun: Adaptation
Plural Noun: Adaptations
Verb: To adapt
Adjective: Adapted

About Adaptations

Adaptations allow organisms to survive in their habitats.
Adaptations are caused by evolution.

Examples of Adaptations

Adaptations for the Arctic and Antarctic

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Adaptations for deserts

  • Cactus plants do not have leaves. This adaptation gives them a small surface area so they do not lose water easily.
  • Some animals in the desert do not sweat even though it is hot. This adaptation stops them from losing water.

Adaptations for defence

  • Cactus plants and hedgehogs have spikes. This adaptation make it difficult to animals to eat them.
  • Octopuses and squid spray ink when they are being attacked. This adaptation makes it difficult for the predator to see them when the swim away.

Used in a sentence

White fur is an adaptation of polar bears that helps camouflage in the snow.