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Blood Vessel


Key Stage 2


Blood vessels are tubes going around the body that blood flows through.

A picture of a blood vessel.

About Blood Vessels

Blood vessels take blood to every part of the body.
There are 3 types of blood vessel:

Key Stage 3


Blood vessels are tubes going around the body that blood flows through.

About Blood Vessels

Blood vessels take blood to every part of the body.
There are 3 types of blood vessel:

Cuts and Wounds

If the blood is dark red and bleeds slowly then it comes from a vein. You should ask for help from an adult straight away.
If the blood is bright red and squirts out with each heartbeat then it comes from an artery. You should call 999 straight away.
If the blood is in specks then it comes from capillaries. You should wash it and put a plaster on.

Key Stage 4