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Competition (Biology)

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Key Stage 3


Competition is when two or more living creatures struggle against each other to get the same things.

Key Stage 4


Competition is when different organisms within a community or population are seeking the same limited resource.

About Competition

Competition happens because there is not enough of a resource to keep all of the organisms within a community or population alive.
When organisms compete for the same resource some will lose and others will win. This is referred to as survival of the fittest.
Competition drives the process of natural selection.

Competition between Animals

Animals within a population compete for limited food supplies.
Some different species of animals may compete for the same food supply.
Animals compete for mates through either violence against their competitors or sexual displays to entice their potential mate.
Animals also compete for territory. This helps secure food, mates and resources in the environment.

Competition between Plants

Plants may compete for light (for photosynthesis) by growing taller and with a wider coverage of leaves than other plants.
Plants compete for water and minerals so they grow deep and broad roots to collect as much as possible.
Plants also compete to spread their seeds to fertile areas away from other competition. This can be done with adaptations to seeds to allow them to be carried away by the wind or float away on bodies of water.



Competition, pages 236-8, 241-2, GCSE Biology, Hodder, AQA
Competition, pages 255, 256, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy; Biology, CGP, AQA
Competition, pages 264-267, GCSE Biology; Third Edition, Oxford UnComponents of blood, pages 52-53, 61, GCSE Biology; Third Edition, Oxford University Press, AQAiversity Press, AQA
Competition, pages 315, 316, GCSE Biology, CGP, AQA
Competition, pages 322-5, 327, 334-5, GCSE Biology; Student Book, Collins, AQA
Competition, pages 75, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy 2, Hodder, AQA
Competition; Between animals, pages 76-7, 80, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy 2, Hodder, AQA
Competition; Between plants, pages 75-6, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy 2, Hodder, AQA
Competition; interspecific, page 334-5, GCSE Biology; Student Book, Collins, AQA
Competition; intraspecific, page 334-5, GCSE Biology; Student Book, Collins, AQA


Competition, page 283, 284, GCSE Biology, CGP, Edexcel
Competition, page 67, GCSE Combined Science; The Revision Guide, CGP, Edexcel
Competition, page 95, GCSE Biology; The Revision Guide, CGP, Edexcel


Competition (for resources), page 41, Gateway GCSE Combined Science; The Revision Guide, CGP, OCR
Competition (for resources), page 60, Gateway GCSE Biology; The Revision Guide, CGP, OCR
Competition, page 134, Gateway GCSE Biology, Oxford, OCR