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Fertility Treatment


Key Stage 4


Fertility treatments are methods for improving the chances of conception and implantation.

About Fertility Treatments

Sometimes it is difficult for a female to become pregnant. This can happen when either the male or the female has 'fertility issues'.
There are some fertility treatments which can help improve the chance of conception.
In in vitro fertilisation the sperm and ovum are combined in a petri dish before being placed into the uterus.



Fertility treatment, pages 24, 162-3, 167-8, GCSE Biology, Hodder, AQA
Fertility treatments, page 79, GCSE Biology; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA
Fertility treatments, pages 20-1, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy 2, Hodder, AQA
Fertility treatments; Ethical issues, pages 25-6, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy 2, Hodder, AQA


Fertility treatment, pages 108-109, Gateway GCSE Biology, Oxford, OCR