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Key Stage 1


Fruit are a part of a plant that holds the seeds.

Singular Noun: Fruit
Plural Noun: Fruits or Fruit

About Fruit

Fruit grow once the flower has been pollinated and the flower has died.
Not all fruit can be eaten. Some fruit are too small to eat, some are poisonous and others just don't taste nice.
Look at the bottom of fruit like apples, oranges and bananas to see what's left of the dead flower.


All of these are fruit because the hold the seeds inside.
An apple is a fruit. Raspberries are fruit.
The fruit on a poppy can't be eaten. A tomato is a fruit first cultivated in South America.

Key Stage 2


Fruit are a part of a plant that holds the seeds.

Key Stage 3


A fruit is the ovary of a flower that contains the seeds.