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GCSE Biology Required Practical: Measuring Population in a Habitat

Revision as of 17:07, 22 November 2018 by NRJC (talk | contribs)

Key Stage 4


Estimate the size of a population of a species within a habitat using sampling techniques and investigate a factor affecting population size.


Investigate the population of a species within a habitat using random sampling.

  1. Gently throw a quadrat to fall in a random position on a field of grass.
  2. Count the number of daisies within the quadrat.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 ten times.
  4. Calculate the mean number of daisies.
  5. Use the following equation to estimate the number of daisies in the field:
Estimated population = \(\tfrac{area sampled}{total area}\) x number of daisies