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Megavolts (MV) are a unit of current 1,000,000 times larger than the SI Unit; the Volt.

About Megavolts

Megavolts are shortened to MV with an upper case M and an upper case V.
Mega means one million so there are 1,000,000 Volts in a megavolt.

Converting to Megavolts

Unit To convert Megavolts
1 megavolt (1MV) Convert to Megavolts x1 1MV
1 kilovolt (1kV) Convert to Megavolts x10-3 1x10-3MV
1 Volt (1V) Convert to Megavolts x10-6 1x10-6MV
1 millivolt 1(mV) Convert to Megavolts x10-9 1x10-9MV
1 microvolt 1(µV) Convert to Megavolts x10-12 1x10-12MV
1 nanovolt 1(nV) Convert to Megavolts x10-15 1x10-15MV