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Relay Neuron

Revision as of 15:36, 28 November 2019 by Ellen References (talk | contribs)

Key Stage 4


A relay neuron is a specialsed cell in the central nervous system which relays an electrical impulse from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron.

About Relay Neurons

Relay neurons are found in the Spinal Cord.
Relay neurons are part of the reflex arc.
The relay neuron receives an electrical impulse from the sensory neuron. The impulse passes into the dendrites, through the cell body, down the axon and to the synapse where the relay neuron connects to a motor neuron.
A diagram of a relay neuron.
A cross section of the spinal cord showing the relay neuron in blue.



Relay neurones, page 46, 47, GCSE Biology, Pearson, Edexcel
Relay neurones, pages 28, 29, GCSE Biology; The Revision Guide, CGP, Edexcel
Relay neurones, pages 70, 71, 73, GCSE Biology, CGP, Edexcel