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Key Stage 4


Salmonella is a pathogenic bacteria found in poultry and eggs that causes food poisoning.

About Salmonella

Salmonella is found in the digestive system of some animals. When the animal is prepared as food the salmonella can be spread to the rest of the meat.
If salmonella gets into the digestive system of a human it can affect the normal healthy bacteria causing pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
A salmonella infection happens when uncooked food is eaten or a surface is not cleaned properly after raw poultry has been placed on it.
A salmonella infection can last several days.
Antibiotics are not used to treat a salmonella infection because it does not last long enough and is not severe enough.



Salmonella, page 128, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy; Biology, CGP, AQA
Salmonella, page 134, GCSE Biology, CGP, AQA
Salmonella, page 142-3, GCSE Biology; Student Book, Collins, AQA
Salmonella, page 43, GCSE Combined Science; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA
Salmonella, page 48, GCSE Biology; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA
Salmonella, page 82, GCSE Biology, Hodder, AQA
Salmonella, page 82, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy 1, Hodder, AQA