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Free Fall

985 bytes added, 11:29, 13 February 2019
Created page with "==Key Stage 4== ===Meaning=== '''Free fall''' is when an object accelerates due to only its weight due to gravity. ===About Free Fall=== : During..."
==Key Stage 4==
'''Free fall''' is when an [[object]] [[acceleration|accelerates]] due to only its [[weight]] due to [[gravity]].

===About Free Fall===
: During '''free fall''' the only [[force]] acting on an [[object]] is its [[weight]] due to [[gravity]].
: [[Object]]s in a [[Gravitational Field|gravitational field]] [[accelerate]] at a rate which is the same as the [[Gravitational Field Strength|gravitational field strength]].
: All [[object]]s in '''free fall''' will [[accelerate]] at the same rate, regardless of their [[mass]] or [[weight]]. However, [[object]]s do not always '''free fall''' due to [[Air Resistance|air resistance]]. For example a feather and a hammer have the same rate of '''free fall''' in a [[vacuum]] but in an [[atmosphere]] [[Air Resistance|air resistance]] has a greater effect on the feather so they appear to [[accelerate]] at different rates.
: [[Object]]s on [[Earth]] [[accelerate]] during '''free fall''' at a rate of 9.8m/s/s.