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Revision as of 13:13, 13 September 2018 by NRJC (talk | contribs) (Key Stage 3)

Key Stage 1


These roots have been cleaned of all the mud to see them clearly.

Roots are the part of the plant found underground.

Singular Noun: Root
Plural Noun: Roots

About Roots

Roots collect water for the plant.
Some roots also have a bulb.
Some roots can be eaten, like carrots, ginger and parsnips.

Key Stage 2


Roots are an organ in plants used to absorb water and minerals into the plant.


Roots are specially adapted to absorb water and minerals.
Some roots grow deep into the ground to collect water when there has not been much rain.
Plants in the desert have roots that spread over a large area so that when it finally rains they can collect as much water as possible.
Roots have root hairs to allow the roots to collect water easily from the soil.

Key Stage 3


The roots are an organ in a plant.

About The Roots

The roots have a large surface area to collect water and minerals.
Water and minerals are absorbed by diffusion from the soil to the roots.

Adaptations of the Roots

Roots have veins inside them to transport water and minerals to the leaves.
The roots have root hairs to increase the surface area of the roots. This speeds up diffusion.
A picture showing the root hairs on a root.