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Rest Mass

Revision as of 15:41, 19 July 2019 by NRJC (talk | contribs) (Examples)


Key Stage 5


The rest mass of a particle is total mass of the particle when it is stationary relative to the observer.

About Rest Mass

The rest mass is measured in kilograms (kg).
The mass of subatomic particles depends up their relative motion. This becomes significant at speeds approaching the speed of light.
The rest mass of a particle is equivalent to its total energy (when stationary relative to an observer) divided by the speed of light squared.
The rest mass for a given subatomic particle is the same from all reference frames.
The rest mass for a given particle is identical to the rest mass of its antimatter counterpart.


The rest mass is related to the rest energy by the mass-energy equivalence shown in the following equation

\(m = \frac{E}{c^2}\)


\(m =\) The rest mass of a particle.

\(E =\) The rest energy of a particle.

\(c =\) The speed of light (\(3.00\times10^{8}ms^{-1}\) in a vacuum).


Particle Rest Mass / kg Unified Atomic Mass Units Rest Energy / MeV
Proton (\(p\)) \(1.67\times10^{-27}\) \(1.007\) \(938\)
Neutron (\(n\)) \(1.67\times10^{-27}\) \(1.009\) \(939\)
Electron (\(e\)) \(9.11\times10^{-31}\) \(0.05486\) \(5.11\)
Muon (\(\mu\)) \(1.88\times10^{-28}\) \(0.1134\) \(106\)
π-meson (\(\pi^±\)) \(2.49\times10^{-28}\) \(0.1500\) \(140\)
π-meson (\(\pi^0\)) \(2.41\times10^{-28}\) \(0.1449\) \(135\)
K-meson (\(K^±\)) \(8.80\times10^{-28}\) \(0.5300\) \(494\)
K-meson (\(K^0\)) \(8.87\times10^{-28}\) \(0.5442\) \(498\)
Photon (\(\gamma\)) \(0\) \(0\) \(0\)
Neutrino (\(\nu\)) \(0\) \(0\) \(0\)