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Genetic Engineering

Revision as of 11:17, 5 November 2019 by Ellen References (talk | contribs)


Key Stage 4 Foundation


Genetic Engineering is the process of directly altering the DNA of an organism.

About Genetic Engineering

In genetic engineering genes which code for the synthesis of a specific protein can be taken from one organism and inserted into the DNA of another organism.
Genetic engineering can be done within a single generation. It can also introduce characteristics to an organism which are unlikely to have been able to evolve naturally.


Key Stage 4 Higher


Genetic Engineering is the process of directly altering the DNA of an organism.

About Genetic Engineering

In genetic engineering genes which code for the synthesis of a specific protein can be taken from one organism and inserted into the DNA of another organism.
To genetically engineer an organism a gene is cut from the DNA of another organism using a special enzyme. The DNA of the recipient organism is then cut, the new gene is inserted and then another enzyme is used to stick the DNA back together with the new gene inside it. The organism is then encouraged to reproduce.
Genetic engineering can be done within a single generation. It can also introduce characteristics to an organism which are unlikely to have been able to evolve naturally.


Extra Information

Beyond the Curriculum