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Water Transport System

Revision as of 09:22, 12 August 2018 by NRJC (talk | contribs)

Key Stage 2


The water transport system is how plants get water from the soil to every part of the plant.

About Water Transport

Every part of the plant needs water so the plant has a water transport system to get the water from the soil to the rest of the plant
Water in the soil is taken in by the roots of the plant. The water then travels up the stem and is taken to the leaves and the flower.
The water flows very slowly along tubes inside the roots, stem, leaves and flower.


Coloured Carnations

Method 1. Slice the stem of a white carnation diagonally. 2. Place the stem into some coloured water. 3. Wait 1 day and observe the colour of the petals.

Multicoloured Carnation

1. Slice the stem of a white carnation so that it splits in two. 2. Use two glasses to place one side of the stem into blue coloured and the other into red coloured water. 3. Wait 1 day and observe the colours of the petals.

Water Tubes in Celery

1. Cut the bottom off a stick of celery. 2. Place the celery in coloured water. 3. Wait 1 day and observe. 4. Snap the celery in line with the coloured lines. 5. Use fingernails or a pair of tweezers to pull out the coloured tubes and observe.

Key Stage 3


The water transport system organ system in plants used to move water from the roots to the leaves.