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Specular Reflection

Revision as of 21:31, 20 October 2018 by NRJC (talk | contribs)

Key Stage 2


A mirror reflects light so we can see a perfect image.

Reflection from shiny surfaces is when light bounces off a material creating an image that we can see.

Singular Noun: Reflection
Plural Noun: Reflections
Verb: To reflect
Adjective: Reflective

About Reflection form Shiny Surfaces

When a surface is shiny we can see a reflection on the surface.
A mirror is a shiny piece of metal that reflects all of the light that hits it and allows us to see an image.
Mirrors are said to be reflective.
If a surface is dull you cannot see an image and it is not called reflective, but it still reflects the light.
You can see the reflection of the mountain and clouds on the surface of the water. The glass reflects the image of the clouds.
These glasses are very reflective. You can sometimes see a reflection is a person's eye.

Key Stage 3


Specular Reflection is when light bounces off a flat surface to produce a an image.

About Reflection

All waves can be reflected.
The reflection of sound is called an echo.

The Law of Reflection

The Law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
Specular Reflection from the glass makes an image of the sky in the glass.

About Specular Reflection

Reflection of light can be specular or diffuse.
Specular Reflection happens from a shiny surface and makes an image (you can see a 'reflection').
Specular Reflection happens from a smooth surface. Diffuse Reflection happens from a rough surface.