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Communicable Disease

Revision as of 09:37, 10 November 2018 by NRJC (talk | contribs) (Communication of Disease)

Key Stage 4


A communicable disease is a disease caused by a pathogen which can be spread from one organism to another.

About Communicable Diseases

When a pathogen enters an organism it is referred to as an infection.

The pathogens that cause a communicable disease are:

Communication of Disease

Communicable Diseases can be spread in a number of different ways which provide information about how to remain hygienic to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Airborne
  • Physical Contact
  • Waterborne
  • Bodily Fluids
  • Vectors


Some pathogens can be spread through the air. For instance when we sneeze some viruses spread in tiny water droplets that float through the air to be breathed in by another organism.
Airborne pathogens are the most easily spread so they present the greatest challenge in ensuring hygienic surroundings. In these instances quarantine is the best procedure.

Physical Contact

Some pathogens can only be spread by physical contact between two surfaces. These could be spread by shaking the hand of an infected person or touching a surface that they have touched, such as a door handle.
Pathogens spread by physical contact can be reduced by wearing gloves and by cleaning surfaces regularly; including door handles and taps and hand rails.


Some pathogens survive in water. Drinking this contaminated water can lead to infection.
Pathogens spread by water can be removed by sterilising the water. This can be with chlorine, found in our drinking water or by boiling the water to kill the pathogens.

Body Fluids

Some pathogens can be spread from one person to another through a body fluid including blood and mucus.
Pathogens spread by body fluids can be prevented by avoiding contact that might spread body fluids.
Sexually transmitted infections can be prevented by using a condom or other barrier between fluids.


Some pathogens are spread by animals which spread the infection between organisms but those animals do not get ill themselves, they are only carriers.
These pathogens can be stopped by preventing those animals coming into contact with the organism. This can be done with a physical barrier, such as a mosquito net to protect against malaria or by killing the animals that carry the pathogen.