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Bulb (Biology)


Key Stage 1


The diagram shows a tulip that has grown from a bulb.

A bulb is a part of the roots of some plants that store food for winter.

Singular Noun: Bulb
Plural Noun: Bulbs

About Bulbs

Bulbs are usually round.
The shoot is in the centre of the bulb.
In winter even if the stem, flowers and leaves have gone the bulb is still alive underground.
Sometimes roots have more than one bulb.
In winter the bulb is dormant waiting for warmer weather to start growing again.


An onion is a bulb. Daffodils can be grown from a bulb These Radishes are bulbs

Key Stage 2


A bulb is a part of the roots of some plants that store food for winter.


A bulb is part of an adult plant. In winter the rest of the plant may die from the cold bu the bulb will survive and grow the roots and stem each spring.

A bulb growing a new stem. A bulb growing a new set of roots.