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Velocity-Time Graph

Revision as of 11:23, 14 February 2019 by NRJC (talk | contribs) (Example Calculations)


Key Stage 4


A velocity-time graph is a graph that shows how the velocity of an object changes with time.

About Velocity Time Graphs

Velocity-time graphs give information about the journey taken by an object.
On a velocity-time graph the velocity is plotted on the y-axis and the time is plotted on the x-axis.
A velocity-time graph can be used to calculate the acceleration of an object or the distance travelled by the object.
The gradient of a velocity-time graph is the same as the acceleration.
The area under the curve on a velocity-time graph is the distance travelled by an object.
Constant Velocity Accelerating Decelerating
A gradient of zero shows the object is travelling at a constant velocity. Acceleration is shown by a positive gradient. Deceleration is shown by a negative gradient.

Example Calculations

Calculating Acceleration

The acceleration can be calculated from a velocity-time graph by reading the graph and using the equation \(a=\frac{v-u}{t}\).
Calculate the acceleration of the object in the first 10 seconds of the journey. Calculate the acceleration of the object in the first 10 seconds of the journey.

Calculating Distance Travelled

The distance travelled can be calculated from a velocity-time graph by breaking the graph into simple shapes and finding the area of those shapes. This may use the equations \(a = b \times h\) for rectangular shapes and \(a = \frac{b \times h}{2}\) for triangular shapes.
Calculate the distance travelled by the object in the first 20 seconds the entire journey. Calculate the distance travelled by the object over the entire journey.