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Subatomic Particle

Revision as of 16:19, 13 November 2019 by Ellen References (talk | contribs)

Key Stage 3


A subatomic particle is any particle smaller than an atom.

About Subatomic Particles

The subatomic particles you should know are:

Key Stage 4


A subatomic particle is any particle smaller than an atom.

About Subatomic Particles

The subatomic particles you should know are:

Key Stage 5


A subatomic particle is any particle smaller than an atom.

About Subatomic Particles

Subatomic particles include all fundamental particles as well as some other low mass particles made from a combination of fundamental particles.
Some subatomic particles you should know are:
NB: The leptons and baryons all have anti-particle counterparts with the same mass but opposite charge.



Subatomic particles, page 111, GCSE Combined Science Trilogy; Physics, CGP, AQA
Subatomic particles, page 123, GCSE Physics; The Complete 9-1 Course for AQA, CGP, AQA
Sub-atomic particles, pages 13-17, GCSE Chemistry; Third Edition, Oxford University Press, AQA