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Periodic Table

Revision as of 09:15, 1 October 2018 by NRJC (talk | contribs) (Periods)


Key Stage 3


The Periodic Table is a chart listing all the known elements arranged in order of Atomic Number and in columns of elements with similar properties.

About The Periodic Table

The modern Periodic Table was arranged by a scientist called Mendeleev. Others had tried to arrange all the elements before, but Mendeleev was the first to arrange by both Atomic Number and chemical properties.
The columns of the Periodic Table are called Groups.
The rows of the Periodic Table are called Periods.


The elements are arranged groups of similar Chemical Properties.
Elements have similar Chemical Properties when they have the same number of electrons in the Outer Shell.

Trends within groups

The chemical properties of elements within a [[group] are similar. However, the reactivity within a group changes as you move up or down the periods.

The physical properties of elements within a group are similar. However, the property changes gradually as you move down the group.


The periods are arranged by the number of Electron Shells.

Trends within Periods

The chemical and physical properties of elements change as you move along a period.
Period 2 Melting Points Period 3 Melting Points
There is a trend in the Melting Points as you move along the period. A similar trend can be seen in the next period.