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Metal Ion


Key Stage 4


Metal Ions are positive ions found in ionic compounds and giant metallic structures.

About Metal Ions

Metal ions are formed when metal elements lose their electrons to form positive ions.

The charge on a metal ion may be determined by the Group.

Transition Metal Elements can form different ions which are shown by Roman Numerals; Iron can form Fe (II) which is Fe +2 or Fe (III) is Fe+3, Manganese can form Mn (II) which is Mn+2 or Mn (IV) which is Mn+4.

The more easily a metal element can become a metal ion the more reactive the metal.


Lithium forms +1 ions. Magnesium forms +2 ions. Aluminium forms +3 ions.



Metal ions, pages 89, 90, GCSE Chemistry; The Revision Guide, CGP, AQA


Metal ions, pages 56-57, 88, Gateway GCSE Chemistry, Oxford, OCR